Zoe De Leon

06/06/2006 - 12/17/2024


Obituary For Zoe De Leon

Zoe was born June 6th, 2006. For eighteen and a half years she lived. Seventeen and half of those she lived with her forever family. She leaves behind a mother, a father, two sisters, and a brother, all who miss her more than they can say. As the family grew and changed, so did she.

On December 17, 2024, Zoe finally let us know it was her time. Her final day was spent doing some of her favorite activities like cuddling, eating french fries, and having a pup cup. Eating french fries made her seem like a puppy again, but the white fur and tired eyes told a different story.

We’ll miss you forever, Zoe. The house is quiet without you, too quiet to be comfortable. There is no longer any bickering over who has to clean up your messes. There will be no more pictures to add to our photo albums. No longer will you make sure we feed you exactly at 7 o’clock by whining and yowling at us for our attention.

We miss hearing as you walk along the hardwood floors. We miss the comfort of holding you close and petting your soft fur. You were there to hug on our happiest days and our worst days. For your entire life you have known only our love and now we have to spend the rest of our lives missing yours.

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